Burned Area Emergency Reponse (BAER) team Fire Severity survey for Rio Pueblo-Rio Embudo Watershed relative to the Hermit's Peak/ Calf Canyon Wildfire.

Link to a PDF of the BAER report: Click Here (Some useful links in report.)

The following maps were constructed using the BAER GIS Data: HPCC_Phase2_SBS_Final

They show the severity details within the Rio Pueblo/Rio Embudo watershed.

(All maps are shown with North up.)

Reference Map: The hatched polygon is the outline of the fire.
The Red line shows the southeast border of the Rio Pueblo-Rio Embudo Watershed.
The four principal tributaries of the Rio Pueblo are shown.
Large portions of the Alamitos and Angostura drainages burned:

The green areas are "unburned" areas within the fire perimeter:

The blue areas are "low severity":

The orange areas are "moderate severity":

The red areas are "high severity":

Composite: (red=high severity
orange = moderate severity
blue = low severity
green = unburned)

Maps and web presentation created by Robert Templeton (rt@rioembudobirds.org)